Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hearts & Thieves

A few weeks ago I had the great opportunity to take some pictures of a local band called Hearts & Thieves. The lead singer Sebastian Scott is an old high school classmate of mine that I reconnected with on Facebook. A few days ago they competed in the final round of 106.9 WCCC's Rock (Your) Face Off at Up Or On The Rocks in Hartford and WON! I just wanted to congratulate Sebastian, Aaron Read, Dan Cusson & Rick Finocchiaro on their success and wish them all the best as they open for a national touring act at the Block Party in Downtown Hartford on May 21st! Don't miss it!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Jake's Senior Portraits

Here are a few shots from my Senior Portrait session with Jake, who will be graduating from Simsbury High School this year. They chose the very popular hot-spot of the old mill on the river in Collinsville for his images. My family & I are really good friends with Jake's mom, so when Sue asked me to photograph her son I was more than happy to help! Check out a few of our mutual favorites -

Friday, April 9, 2010

Emily's passion

This chick is pretty phenomenal. She's classically trained in music, wrote a book, is an avid healthfood blogger, and is a fellow pathetic.org poet. So when Emily asked me to take some new pics of her & her beloved cello for her upcoming big recital, I was like hell yeah! :) Here is a sneak peek into our session in Collinsville [one of the hot spots my clients LOVE!]