Many people may not know that I have a 16 year old brother and an 12 year old sister. I am 28 afterall, and my older sister is almost 32. But yes, these wonderful specimens are my siblings and we all have the same set of parents. My mother says in retrospect "What the heck was I thinking?" :) Haha. There was plenty of "Your Mom" jokes being thrown around last night and we made fun of my little sister's blossoming bosoms. Its all fair game with my family! We're very close and they are alot of fun, so of course we had a great time taking these pictures. Can we say GAP commercial? Holy smokes my parents make good lookin' babies! :o)
your brother is so handsome and your sister looks much older that she really is. She is georgeous! Once again the Lord has gifted tyou with a talent that is amazing. i feel you will be famous one day.
your brother is so handsome and your sister looks much older that she really is. She is georgeous! Once again the Lord has gifted tyou with a talent that is amazing. i feel you will be famous one day.